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Products & Services at This Location

Agriculture Loans

Customized financing and refinancing for farms, ranches, equipment, livestock and more for agribusinesses and ag operations, large or small.

Home Loans

Whether you’re purchasing property or improving it, we offer competitive financing for recreational property, weekend retreats, and hunting ranches.

Land Loans

Purchase, build or refinance a home on land or a lot of any size, anywhere in Texas.

Insurance Programs

Rest easy knowing that your family and your crops, livestock, pasture and forage are covered by insurance.

McKinney Real Estate and Land Loans

Texas Farm Credit McKinney provides Collin County with reliable financing for ag, land, homes and home construction, as well as crop and livestock insurance.

Texas Farm Credit’s McKinney branch serves Collin County and the surrounding North Texas area by catering to your community’s agriculture and rural living needs by providing financial services wherever you call home and beyond! From financing your farm operations and rural home purchases to insuring what you value most, let our McKinney lending experts get to know you and find services that meet your needs.

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Child kissing a horse over a fence